Description: After killing Kendra, players need to leave behind the Silver Shroud calling card.Take your time to dispatch the raiders then proceed to put down Kendra at your convenience.

For your information, Kendra resides in the Water Street apartments of the Financial District. Fix: Locate and kill Kendra independently.As a result, it’s tough to move on to the next step of the Silver Shroud side quest. However, for some reason, players could only hear regular broadcasts. Description: After killing AJ, the quest requires players to listen to the Silver Shroud radio broadcast in Goodneighbor.Fix: Put on the Silver Shroud outfit, make Hancock an active companion and talk to him.Description: If Hancock is an available companion, players may be unable to trigger his quest dialogue.Fix: Visit Hotel Rexford and rest for a night.Description: Once in a while, Kent’s quest dialogue won’t start and prevent players from progressing.Assuming that things proceed smoothly, Kent would make his way back to Goodneighbor. Fix: Push Kent into the elevator then go up a floor.Description: Following the elimination of Sinjint, Kent may get stuck at the same spot where players find him.Platform: Computer, Playstation and Xbox.That is enough to keep Kent alive for most of the time. Fix: Before entering the hospital, you should remove your helmet if it features the Targeting HUD mod.With the death of Kent, there is no way to complete the Silver Shroud side quest. Description: If you enter the hospital with Targeting HUD on, the raiders sometimes execute Kent on the spot.Down below is a list of bugs and bug fixes that all Fallout players must remember after accepting the Silver Shroud side quest.